Thank you for contributing to the ministry of Ponderosa! Through donor support, volunteers, and ministry partners we will continue making KINGDOM IMPACT for decades more. Your prayers and continued encouragement is appreciated, and together we can see lives transformed through the power of Christ and The Gospel. Ponderosa's ministry supports 6 full-time resident staff families, 3 resident interns, and upwards of 50 hourly staff. Please pray for our ministry, share our story with family and friends, and consider being a monthly supporter of our ministry.

Spaces needing new carpet:

• Game Room and Lobby $6300

• Pikes Peak Lodge meeting room $4200

Vehicles Needed:

• (3) lightly used Mitsubishi (imported from Japan) mini trucks/vans for housekeeping $8000 each

• (2) lightly used gasoline powered Golf Carts (for group rental) $8000 each

• (2) lightly used SUV's (all wheel drive/4 wheel drive) for on-road camp vehicles $7000 each

Facility Needs:

• Security Gates system-COMPLETED

• Dining Hall new walk-in freezer components (compressor and condenser)-COMPLETED

• Re-plumbing and re-wiring of south well and new well house (backup well)-COMPLETED

• New electric line run to south end of camp servicing high ropes area and rec fields $3000

• New Kids high ropes course entry bridge element-COMPLETED

• New siding on part of the Ranch House (staff house)- COMPLETED

Big ticket wish list:

• Convert the old retention pond into a high adventure swimming pond $500,000